What is baptism?
Why be baptized?
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,"
Matthew 28:19
Matthew 28:19
If you have personally received Christ, you are forgiven and accepted by God; and there are some excellent reasons why you should be baptized. First of all, Jesus commands us to actively baptize believers in Matthew 28:19. Since He is Lord, and since His will is always good, this should be reason enough. It is a very important act of obedience to the forgiver and leader of your life. Being baptized is also an opportunity for you to spiritually influence others in a positive way.
Baptism also provides a way to publicly show your faith before others. Non-believing friends and family members usually attend baptism services and are often deeply impacted by the testimonies of those who are making the decision. Christian friends are also built up by this act and are motivated to continue to share the message of Jesus.